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Jahmal Gittens - 898

Producer Jahmal Gittens demonstrates his versatility on 898

Canadian producer Jahmal Gittens recently dropped an 11 track EP titled 898. Consisting of strictly instrumentals, 898 is a diverse collection of Jahmal's latest sounds.

Starting out smooth on the first three tracks, Jahmal gradually builds up the energy throughout the EP, easing us into some worldly tracks towards the middle with dancehall inspired "Pineapples" & Latin groove "Flamingo".

Jahamal kicks it up a notch on the last few tracks, giving us two smooth R&B joints before ending with some hard hitting bangers.

Jahmal pretty much covered all his bases with this EP, showing us all the sounds he's capable of producing. If you enjoyed 898 be sure to check out the rest of his work!

Our favorite tracks were "Sunset" & "Flamingo"

Stream the project below!

Soundcloud: Jahmal Gittens

Jahmal Gittens - 898


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