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ValSouth - Slime World (video)

Chicago artist ValSouth drops visual for single "Slime World"

ValSouth is back on our pages with a visual for hit single "Slime World". Catching your ear off the rip, producer Roi Blanc uses trance like melodies with soft percussion leading into a heavy bass line and kicks, creating a unique vibe and sound. ValSouth compliments the instrumental with his rich vocals & bouncy flow; detailing his lifestyle and goals.

"Slime World"s video (directed by chris vergara) has a fairly simple concept, combining shots of Val in various city settings. The use of soft colors and minimal lighting make the added effects stand out in contrast, creating an eye catching visual. Overall, the project is an impressive collaboration of talented individuals!

Directed by: chris.vergara

Check out the track below!

Twitter: @ValSouth_

Soundcloud: ValSouth

ValSouth - Slime World (Video)


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